Friday, December 08, 2006

Saving Face With Acne Skin Care

Daryl Glenn has written Saving Face With Acne Skin Care and writes "Acne: What causes this condition that seems to chip away at the very foundations of self esteem with an almost malevolent intent? The myth is that once teenagers cross the threshold from adolescence into adulthood, the anguish caused by acne will be permanently left behind. The reality is that there is no guarantee that adulthood will offer the safe, acne-free haven that so many teens long for. Statistics indicate that 25% of the male population is plagued at some point by adult acne, while 50% of females will similarly find themselves contending with the condition as adults.

It seems that no one is exempt. Infant acne can appear on the faces babies who are only three or four weeks old, or even on the faces of newborns.

Since so many are afflicted - adult and child alike - there's an obvious need for real information on acne skin care that cuts through all the myths and separates fact from fiction. But we can't really talk about acne and the best approach to take regarding skin care until we know a few basics. So let's begin at the beginning..

It all starts with sebum. Sebum is the natural oil produced by the skin's sebaceous glands. For reasons that aren't fully understood, the pores of the skin can become plugged with sebum, and once plugged, bacteria and dead cells can become trapped in the pores, resulting in the lesions commonly associated with acne. Here’s a good working definition: acne be defined as a condition describing blocked skin pores that result in lesions.

The most common lesions are called comedones. There are two basic varieties of comedones: ‘white heads’ and ‘black heads’. A white head is a plugged pore that has begun to bulge outward from the skin due to dead skin cells, bacteria, and other contaminants that have become trapped inside. This bulging dome shape often assumes a white appearance. Black heads are simply comedones that have become opened, exposing the dark follicle plug inside. Acne comedones are often referred to colloquially as "zits" or "pimples."

Microcomedones are a less common form of acne lesion, sometimes referred to as papules. These are basically small comedones that form from localized cellular reactions to the processes that cause acne. They usually occur in clusters and are sometimes too small to see, but can be felt as a series of little bumps along the skin surface.

In more severe forms of acne, cysts, pustules and nodules and can form. A pustule is like a normal comedone, but larger due to a higher amount of dead white cells, or pus, trapped inside the plugged sebaceous follicle. Nodules are a more severe form of papules, extending deeper into the skin tissue and resulting in large raised legions that are usually inflamed, and painful to touch. Cysts are very large fluid filled sacs that can result from pustules or nodules. Though none of these forms of acne are dangerous or life threatening, they can leave scars and are sometimes very disfiguring.

What about acne causes? This is a question that scientists and doctors still haven’t been able to completely agree upon. Today, most theories seem to point to a combination of factors that include genetics, hormone changes, and stress. For years it was thought that diet was a strong component to acne, but most evidence today suggests that hormones and stress are more likely to be the culprits.

Almost everyone will have some form of acne in their lives. Most people get acne during their teenage years, associated with the massive hormone changes that occur during puberty. It is equally common to men and women, and usually occurs in facial regions. However, acne can begin or persist at any stage in adult life, and can sometimes occur on the back, neck, arms and legs.

The good news is that the situation regarding acne and acne skin care is by no means hopeless. Effective acne treatment exists. And while it might not be realistic to expect some sort of magical acne cure, there are ways to effectively tackle the problem. If you follow the easy to implement acne tips and information you find here, there's a good possibility you'll be able to minimize your breakouts or avoid them altogether.

Does chocolate cause acne? Poor hygiene? Smoking cigarettes? Compare your answers with the facts at

Fighting a war against chronic acne all his life and therefore having an intimate familiarity with the emotional and psychological damage acne can wreak, the author decided to share the fruits of his personal research at There, visitors will find the latest information, tips and resources on acne skin care.

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

An Effective Acne Skin Care Regime

Mike Spencer has written An Effective Acne Skin Care Regime and writes "Acne is one of the most common skin conditions today. It affects or has affected nearly everyone at one time or another. Acne skin care is the most important tool in reducing or eliminating outbreaks. Many different things contribute to healthy skin.

Acne occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog pores, or follicles. Acne primarily affects teens, although adults are affected also. Puberty causes an increase in oil production which increases the risk of having an acne outbreak.

What are some of the ways we can instil acne skin care?
The easiest acne skin care regime is to wash your face twice daily with warm water and mild soap. Using your bare hands to wash your face is gentler and kinder to your skin. Acne skin care dictates that you are very gentle with your skin-no scrubbing vigorously, using harsh soap, or alcohol based skin products. These only serve to irritate the skin and may make acne much worse..

Acne skin care revolves around oil control where it can be controlled. Wash your face frequently to remove oil and dirt when you are sweating or working around an oily area. Exposure to grease, pore-clogging cosmetics or hair products can worsen acne. If you are prone to oily hair, wash your hair daily to reduce the oil. Concentrate on using oil-free makeup and moisturizers.

Acne skin care demands that you be gentle to your skin. Picking or squeezing pimples can cause more inflammation and help to push bacteria deeper into your skin. Friction, such as athletic gear, bike helmets, backpacks, or tight collars, can make you sweat which can cause clogged pores and therefore, acne.

The Don't's of acne skin care are:

Don't touch your skin unless absolutely necessary!
Don't rest your chin in hands!
Don't pick at your face!
Don't smoosh your face into your pillow and keep pillowcase clean!
Don't let hair products get on skin!
Don't rest cellphone against your face!

The Do's of acne skin care are:

Do treat your face gently and kindly.
Do wash your face with your bare hands.
Do wash face two times daily with warm water and mild soap.
Do use oil-free makeup.

If your acne is very severe or does not respond to the pampering acne skin care regime, then you may need to contact your physician for more aggressive treatment options.

About The Author
Mike Spencer is committed to helping people promote and protect their health. Read more about Mike’s Acne Prevention Tips here Mike Spencer -

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Acne Skin Care Products

Kirsten Hawkins has written Acne Skin Care Products and writes "We all need to follow a skin care regimen to keep our skin healthy and in top shape. Our skin can reflect on how we take care of our body. At some point of our lives, it is almost inevitable that we experience having minor forms of skin infections caused by acne like pimples and blackheads. Teenagers are more prone to it as the body undergoes different hormonal changes. As the body continually grows towards adulthood, individuals really have no way of stopping it and can only lessen its effects. By using different methods and acne skin care products person’s that are more prone to it can control its growth.

Acne skin care products performance can greatly depend on how an individual's skin type reacts to it. It must conform to the skin’s characteristics, which may include skin sensitivity, tone, ethnicity and gender. There are many acne skin care products in the market with different active ingredients and solutions for different skin types. Acne prone skin can be very sensitive to different chemicals and must be very careful in using different products. There are different tips and techniques for mild to severe cases of acnes. Some acne skin care products may not work for some people in helping them improve the look and condition of their skin.

Among the commonly used acne skin care product is the facial cleanser. There are many types of cleansers available that are good and gentle for the skin. It is easy to find a cleanser that is made specifically for a person’s skin type. Using a different soap for your face is also important since bath soaps can be harmful to acne-prone individuals. Testing different acne skin care products may do more harm than good. Skin toners contain ingredients that can dry skin making it susceptible to acne..

A moisturizer is well recommended for individuals that are using benzoyl peroxide to keep the skin from becoming too dry. Upon using acne skin care products for treating blemishes, using moisturizers can keep the skin in balance and helps prevent some of the dryness on its initial stages. Benzoyl peroxide can be harmful to a few individuals. When it exceeds the reasonable quantity and concentration, it can cause severe swelling and flaking. Testing acne skin care products and starting at lesser amounts of dosage is advised to keep track of your skin’s reaction.

Manual razors are better than electric razors since it can give you more control as you shave. Quality safety razors are not hard to find, it can make shaving easier. Changing the blade more often can lessen the skin irritation for acne prone individuals. Blunt and uneven blades can cause accidents like cuts. Unclean blades can also infect open scars and pimples. Opening a scar or blemish can cause a secondary bacterial infection and a permanent scar. Using a shaving cream can prevent burns acquired from shaving and it can also lessen the possibility of bacteria from entering cuts.

Aside from acne skin care products you can also rely for health supplements like vitamins. Vitamins A, B6, C and E can be good for acne treatment and are essential for a healthy skin. Being watchful on your diet and sugar intake can also help minimizing acne problems. Foods rich in sulfur like garlic and onions can be use to cure acne. Consulting a dermatologist for the right acne skin care product can save you the time and effort in reaching the desired results. Skin experts can give you a proper advise on how to treat your skin well.

About The Author
Kirsten Hawkins is a freelance writer specializing in skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. Visit for more information on acne and acne treatments.

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Truth About Acne Skin Care

John Lenaghan has written The Truth About Acne Skin Care and writes "Let's face it, you are engaged in an ongoing battle when you are afflicted with acne. While acne treatments for a mild case of acne are usually successful, moderate acne is a greater problem. Even dermatologists cannot cure a severe case of acne but can only provide an acne treatment regimen.

However, you can support your acne treatment efforts with proper acne skin care in order to reduce the recurrence of acne flare-ups and not aggravate existing acne.

Knowing What You're Doing
One of the first pieces of advice is to make sure that you understand and follow the directions for any acne remedy that you are using. If you are taking a prescription acne medicine, read the patient leaflet that accompanies the medication carefully. Typically for moderate to severe acne a dermatologist may prescribe several acne medicines, each with its own treatment protocol and directions..

In order to achieve the acne free skin that you desire, it is important to use all the acne treatments properly and in the correct order. Consider bringing a tablet of paper, a pen, and a friend or relative with you to your appointment with your dermatologist. Simply jot down some notes about the order and time of day for applying each acne medicine and what its purpose is.

Remember, just because the acne clears with the use of your acne medicines doesn’t necessarily mean that you have succeeded in curing acne. Most people with moderate to severe acne must continue to use their acne medicine long-term to prevent any recurrence of their acne problem. Using the acne treatments properly should translate to clear skin and freedom from acne scars.

What About Over-the-Counter Remedies?
Besides using medications prescribed by a doctor, there are a large number of products on the market labeled as skin cleansers, facial cleansers, pore cleansers, and facial pore cleaners that can be used in curing acne.

When cleansing skin that is afflicted with acne, an important point to remember is not to scrub the skin; never scrub your face with a washcloth. It is a misconception that acne is caused by dirt clogging the pores of the skin. You don’t scrub away the offending dirt; you can’t scrub away the offensive acne and achieve acne free skin.

Over-washing or scrubbing skin afflicted with acne only serves to aggravate the condition. Rather use only a gentle skin cleanser, lukewarm water, and a gentle motion with your fingertips as your primary acne skin care regime. When you wash your face with your hands, be sure to first thoroughly wash your hands.

Do Natural Treatments Really Work?
Look for gentle cleansers that are sold as acne solutions. When you're evaluating skin cleansers for acne, include natural acne treatments in your search as well. For example, a soap made from Echinacea and other herbal ingredients is an effective antibiotic facial cleanser that helps fight acne and restore clear skin. Tea tree oil also has known antibiotic properties and serves as a mild anesthetic that will soothe the irritated skin.

Oily skin is implicated as a one of the causes of acne. It doesn’t necessarily make sense to use a moisturizer on oily skin as a means of achieving clear skin. But many of the acne treatments, whether they are prescribed or available as over-the-counter products, have a tendency to irritate the skin while curing acne.

A moisturizer is a boost to irritated skin and keeps skin from becoming overly dry due to the acne treatments that have been applied. Look for a moisturizer with the following properties:

* oil-free
* won’t clog pores (non-comodogenic)
* containing a sun-screen

Besides a great desire to just scrub away the acne, many people try to remove the acne pimples by hand as a way to get clear skin. People who are afflicted with acne should avoid touching their face except to gently wash it with mild cleanser as already discussed.

By trying to remove pimples by hand you run the risk of creating acne scars that will last for a lifetime. Instead, have patience and rely on your prescription or over-the-counter acne treatment to work. Acne remedies usually take 6 to 8 weeks before curing acne.

For male acne sufferers, the daily ritual of shaving can be a problem. One acne sufferer has recommended the Gillette Sensor Excel as a gentle and effective razor to use. Other males prefer to try an electric razor. The advice is to shave delicately to avoid nicking the skin and to shave only as often as necessary. Finding a moisturizing shave gel may be one way to enhance your acne skin care program.

Female acne sufferers have their unique problems too, in finding the right cosmetic products to use. Females who are accustomed to using a foundation product may find that the foundation is difficult to apply smoothly if the facial skin becomes irritated due to the acne treatments being applied.

You may have to abandon the use of some cosmetics during the acne treatment period. Be sure to select only oil-free cosmetics and ones that are labeled as non-comodogenic (won’t clog pores) to use on your road to clear skin.

Proper acne skin care is a necessary addition to your arsenal for fighting your battle with acne and achieving clear skin once again.

About The Author
John Lenaghan offers information and advice about the best acne treatments and skin care at the Acne Squad website. Visit for more information about dealing with acne.

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Monday, December 04, 2006

Acne Skin Care: 8 Simple Tips to Follow

Kathlene Capelle has written Acne Skin Care: 8 Simple Tips to Follow and writes "Commonly affecting the skin condition of people between ages 12 to 24 is a disease called acne. The cause of acne is hard to determine. However, over secretion of the sebaceous glands is pointed as the cause to trigger most acne outbreaks.

Pilosebaceous units are the combination of the hair follicles and oil glands in the skin. Except for the surface of the palms and the soles of the feet, pilosabaceous units are found on the skin tissue throughout the body . They are responsible in secreting the oily substance called sebum.

However, due to many factors (e.g. hormonal imbalances, stress and the skin's natural condition) the oil glands may be induced to produce more sebum than normal. When this happens, the excess oil plugs the skin pores. This process brings about bacterial infection and stimulate the reaction of the immune system. In the end, acne inflammation results..

Acne can strike at any skin type. An oily skin type is most susceptible to acne. Dry skin on the other hand, may not be as susceptible but serious outbreaks may occur during winter. Normal skin is equally susceptible to acne but the level of severity may not be as high.

Presently, acne is not yet totally curable but can be remedied with several acne skin care methods. Many seek the help of topical medications, which are applied on the surface of the skin. However, employing the use of acne skin care products like "pore strip pads" may remove whiteheads and blackheads but they would not have any effect on the excess sebum produced.

Nevertheless, for remedy and prevention, it is best to employ the following 8 simple tips:

1. A healthy, well-balanced diet must be observed. Therefore, your food intake must incorporate all the essential nutrients the body needs for efficient functioning.

2. Drink plenty of fluids like water, juices. Minimize the intake of carbonated drinks.

3. No make up is recommended.

4. Wash your face with mild soap and water. The logic is to not remove the dirt (as the majority of acne-inflicted person perceive) but to remove the plugs on the skin pores, which may be a combination of dead skin cells, bacteria and hardened sebum. Although dirt is not truly the cause of acne, it may contribute to further infection through its interaction with skin debris and particles and extra oil in the skin.

5. Use topical cleansing pads that may contain one or the combination of the following: salicylic acid, sulfur and benzoyl peroxide to remove excess oil. Another way to minimize the presence of extra oil in the skin is to wash the face with the hottest water you can withstand.

6. Minimize the use of harsh cleansers and use acne skin care items that exfoliate mildly. Do not scrub vigorously to the affected areas.

7. If your hands are dirty, refrain from touching your face.

8. If you have long hair, tie up your hair so that it is kept away from the face. This is especially so if the weather is hot and you have been perspiring.

Preventative acne skin care steps are just as important as the treatment of acne itself. With prevention, at least, you know how to ensure that your acne problem does not escalate and spread to a bigger infected area.

Kathelene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. Her blog includes useful information on acne remedy, natural skin care, natural remedies for skin care and anti-aging. She also provides step-by-step recipes for skin care that you can easily prepare from ingredients right out from your kitchen. Get updated on tips and resources at

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Acne Skin Care Myths

Ruth Stattmiller has written Acne Skin Care Myths and writes "Acne can be both uncomfortable and embarrassing. When someone repeatedly receives acne breakouts, they often wonder what they can do to prevent them from happening again. Unfortunately, many times they are misinformed about acne skin care. In fact, many commonly accepted acne “facts” are nothing more than myths. It is wise to inform yourself before making decisions about acne skin care. The following are some acne skin care myths which any medical doctor will debunk:

Myth #1: Acne treatments are universal, and what works for one person will work for everyone.
The truth is, everyone’s natural chemistry and skin are unique. Furthermore, each person lives in a unique environment which will have specific effects on their skin and acne. The truth is, what works as an acne “fix” for one person may completely fail for someone else. Each person should get personalized advice from a dermatologist. Furthermore, they should be willing to keep trying different things until they find a regimen that works for them..

Myth #2: There is a quick fix for acne.
This is another myth which often proves to be completely false. For people with very severe acne, getting rid of it can be a long-fought “war”, not a quick battle. Even when medication is very effective, it can take up to 6 to 8 weeks to get initial results. To beat acne, it is necessary to be patient and “stick with it”, even when treatment doesn’t seem to be helping.

Myth #3: You don’t need a dermatologist’s help to beat acne.
Actually, the dermatologist is exactly who you need to beat acne! Some people believe that their own concocted remedies, or over-the-counter treatments are enough to clear up their skin. The fact is, you may need a personalized plan to actually clear up your acne, and only a doctor is qualified enough to recommend this safely. So do yourself a favor, and go see a doctor about it! You’ll be glad you did.

Of course, those are just a few of the facts (and uncovered myths) about acne skin care. To get the full story, it is advised that you see a dermatologist and get more personalized recommendations. And of course, once you are prescribed a specific acne regimen, remember to stick with it! Anything worthwhile takes time.

About The Author
Ruth Stattmiller writes about skin care topics, including acne skin care. See for more information.

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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Acne Skin Care: How To Clear Up Those Embarrasing Blemishes

Ken Black has written Acne Skin Care - How To Clear Up Those Embarrasing Blemishes amd writes "People of all races and ages get acne. It is most common in adolescents and young adults. Around 85 percent of people between the ages of 12 and 24 develop the disorder. Nearly 17 million people in the United States have acne, making it the most common skin disease.

For most people, acne tends to diminish by the time they reach their thirties; however, some people in their forties and fifties continue to have this skin problem.

I remember when I used to get acne myself. Was that annoying. And it sure ruined my social life, that's for sure. There is nothing more embarrasing than going out in public with acne all over your face. You know people are staring at you. You know they don’t want to get near you because of those ugly marks on your face. I think they think it’s contagious, which is not true at all. It’s a good way to lose friends quickly.

So, how did I get rid of my acne ? Well, before you can clear up your skin, you should know exactly who the enemy is and what you’re up against. Here’s a summary for you and some real honest to goodness solutions. It worked for me and it will work for you too.

What is Acne?
Acne is a disorder resulting from the action of hormones on the skin's oil glands (sebaceous glands), which leads to plugged pores and outbreaks of lesions commonly called pimples or zits. Acne lesions usually occur on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders.

Although heredity may be a cause of this problem, it is more associated with hormonal levels and how you care for your skin (e.g. rubbing your skin too much will cause it). Chocolate and greasy foods are often blamed, but foods seem to have little effect on the development and course of acne in most people. In addition, dirty skin does not cause acne and neither does stress.

How Is Acne Treated?
You can buy over the counter medicine (OTC), see your family doctor, or a dermatologist (skin doctor).

Over-the-counter(OTC) Medicines

Benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur are the most common topical OTC medicines used to treat acne. Topical OTC medications are available in many forms, such as gel, lotion, cream, soap, or pad.

Prescription Topical Medicines
Several types of prescription topical medicines include benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin, adapalene, and azelaic acid.

Some people develop side effects from using prescription topical medicines including stinging, burning, redness, peeling, scaling, or discoloration of the skin.

Prescription Oral Medicines
Oral antibiotics are thought to help control acne by curbing the growth of bacteria and reducing inflammation. Examples are clindamycin, erythromycin, sulfur, or isotretinoin. Some people experience side effects when taking these antibiotics, such as an increased tendency to sunburn, upset stomach, dizziness or lightheadedness, changes in skin color, and dry skin.

Other treatments
There are lazer treatments for rare serious cases and there are safe and natural herbal medications that work like over the counter medications, but often with less side effects.

How Should People With Acne Care for Their Skin?

* Clean Skin Gently with a mild cleanser 3 or 4 times a day.
* Avoid Frequent Handling of the Skin.
* Shave Carefully.
* Avoid a Sunburn or Suntan.
* Use Non-Oily Cosmetics.

In summary, there are many treatments out there for acne skin problems. Talk to your doctor if you’re unsure what to do. Try some of the suggestions mentioned here. In no time at all, you’ll look better, feel better, and you’ll be back out there enjoying your social life, your friends, and your family much more."

About The Author
Ken Black is the owner of Skin Care Reviews, a website specializing in Skin Care Information & Product Reviews,

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Friday, December 01, 2006

Acne Skin Care For You

Kirsten Hawkins has written Acne Skin Care For You and writes "A high percentage of individuals have been tormented by skin problems like blemishes, rashes, pimples, blackheads and acne. These problems are commonly experienced during puberty or an early stage in life where people tend to be most socially insecure. Aside from being physical, the effects can also be psychological. It can drain an individual’s self-esteem and confidence. Some individuals may continue experiencing acne related skin infections decades later and it may eventually diminish during early adulthood for most people.

There is now way of predicting when it will gradually decrease or fully disappear. Pimples, blackheads, and blemishes are among the most common skin infections caused by acne. The infection is a result of excessive secretions of oil from the skin glands and its buildup when a skin pore is blocked. Upper regions of the body like the face, chest, back and upper arms are commonly infected.

Acne can be irritating for most people since it can almost be unpredictable and uncontrollable once it strikes. The exact causes of this skin disease are not known and there have been no guaranteed measure in averting it. Diet, hereditary reasons, vitamin deficiency and stress are among the factors that have been closely attributed to acne infections. Still, it is best to find a good acne skin care regimen to ease and control its growth. An average person can make use of typical acne skin care methods. For severe forms of acne, consulting dermatologists is advisable in finding ways to lessen swelling and prevent scarring.

Perhaps the best acne skin care regimen is to regularly wash your skin twice a day. Using a mild natural facial cleanser and warm water in washing your skin regularly can help remove dirt and pollutants. Using strong detergent soaps and scrubbing your skin can only worsen your acne problems. Too much scrubbing can aggravate acne and it can also open up blemishes. Popping pimples can make the blemishes to spread up causing more infection. Some astringents are too strong and can cause more skin irritation. Using astringents are only advisable for oily skin. Washing your hair regularly can also help in acne skin care. Washing hair, especially long ones, can help remove excess oil and dirt that might come in contact with the skin.

Proper acne skin care also involves shaving and using the right razor. Choosing and testing for a comfortable safety razor is important when you have acne. Before applying the shaving cream, the beard can be softened by washing it with soap and water. Using a sharp blade and shaving lightly helps avoid cuts and rupturing pimples. Many acne skin care products and medicines for treating skin diseases can make your skin more prone to sunburn. Exposing your skin for a while to the sun may help dry up acne blemishes in the surface. Too much exposure to the sun can cause rapid skin aging, skin cancer and can make your skin drier.

Individuals that are prone to acne and are being treated for it should use oil free cosmetic products. Benzoyl peroxide and other acne skin care treatment can redden the skin so applying regular cosmetics products might be difficult. Regular cosmetic products usually contain more fatty acids that are harmful to acne prone individuals. Looking for organic and acne skin care products that will match your skin tone can help avoid more infections.

It is still best that one should consult a dermatologist before applying any acne skin care product or using different methods. Exerting more effort is needed for serious cases of acne infection to keep it from recurring. Observing proper acne skin care is important especially for younger individuals since blemishes and rashes tend to heal faster at a young age. Keeping a healthy lifestyle and diet can help restore the body’s vitality easily."

About The Author
Kirsten Hawkins is a freelance writer specializing in skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. Visit for more information on acne and acne treatments.

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