Eye Make Up Tip
Targetwoman has written eye make up tip, they write "When your eye pencils are too soft, refrigerate them. You can soften a hard eye pencil by holding it between your fingers.Those with small eyes must remember this eye make up tip - Don't apply eye liner to the inner rims of the eye. Keep it to the top and below the lash line. An important eye makeup tip is to apply eye make up in a well-lit area. Light colored eye shadow is best for a professional look. Different colors can be blended and used for the evening out. Eyeliner and mascara should be applied after the eye shadow has been correctly applied. Two thin applications of mascara work well. Well-trimmed eyebrows go a long way in giving a neat and clear area for your eye make up application."
Beauty-and-makeup-tipshas written eye make up tip, they write "Keep Eye Area Tidy and Free of Residual Dust and Specs. When applying eye shadow, a lot of residual dust can land around the eye, creating unattractive results. To avoid this try placing a flat folded tissue under the lower lash line when brushing shadow on. Create dimension with eye shadow. Three tones of eye shadow is ideal, but two will work. Choose three complimentary shades."
Ultimate-skin-care-tipshas written eye make up tip, they write"Here is the basic smokey eye make up tip technique. Like mentioned above, practice and play around until you get the feel and the look you like: 1.Apply a crystalline or other highlighter shade just on your browbone. Applying it to the whole lid can cause your darker colors to look muddy when applied over it. Apply a little under your eye and right at the tear duct to keep eyes looking wide and “open”. 2.Using a taupe, nude or sand color, apply just to your eyelid."
Facegum has written eye make up tip, they write "Eye make up tip: Avoid "greasy" creams, particularly around the eye area. Colors tend to bleed and gravitate toward creases. Moisturizing products designed specially for the eye area are best. Choose one that is non-greasy, reduces puffiness, and is light-reflective to hide dark circles."
Beauty-and-makeup-tipshas written eye make up tip, they write "Keep Eye Area Tidy and Free of Residual Dust and Specs. When applying eye shadow, a lot of residual dust can land around the eye, creating unattractive results. To avoid this try placing a flat folded tissue under the lower lash line when brushing shadow on. Create dimension with eye shadow. Three tones of eye shadow is ideal, but two will work. Choose three complimentary shades."
Ultimate-skin-care-tipshas written eye make up tip, they write"Here is the basic smokey eye make up tip technique. Like mentioned above, practice and play around until you get the feel and the look you like: 1.Apply a crystalline or other highlighter shade just on your browbone. Applying it to the whole lid can cause your darker colors to look muddy when applied over it. Apply a little under your eye and right at the tear duct to keep eyes looking wide and “open”. 2.Using a taupe, nude or sand color, apply just to your eyelid."
Facegum has written eye make up tip, they write "Eye make up tip: Avoid "greasy" creams, particularly around the eye area. Colors tend to bleed and gravitate toward creases. Moisturizing products designed specially for the eye area are best. Choose one that is non-greasy, reduces puffiness, and is light-reflective to hide dark circles."