Addressing Adult Acne
Greg Mauro has written Addressing Adult Acne and writes "Going through high school with bad skin can be a grueling experience, but most people will grow out of it. For those who don't, it can bring a whole new set of worries and stress. Adult acne affects roughly 33% of adults. Though most people who experience adult acne do so in their 20, 30s, and 40s, it can still occur in later stages of life as well.
Adult acne, like prepubescent acne, is most often caused by secretion of androgens. Androgens are male sex hormones (also secreted by females) that trigger oil production by your skin's oil glands. When these glands become overactive, and exit of oil is blocked, the oil builds up and starts to swell. Some factors that may lead to this occurrence are: medications, frequent physical pressure on the skin and metabolic changes.
Adult acne can also be brought upon by contact with oily substances such as petroleum, mineral oil and vegetable oil as well as steroid use. Doctors have also discovered that lack of exercise and poor dieting can are also factors of adult acne.
There are multiple ways to combat adult acne. You can use home treatment, herbs (lavender, juniper, dandelion root, et al), acupuncture and surgery. It is wise to contact your doctor and/or dermatologist at the first occurrence of adult acne to discuss the best treatment for you. Depending on your skin and possible allergies, some treatments can lead to dryness, itching, and redness, without curing the problem you initial set out to battle"
About the Author
Greg Mauro is a staff author at Acne Solution News as well as Help For Health and its conglomerate sites.
Adult acne, like prepubescent acne, is most often caused by secretion of androgens. Androgens are male sex hormones (also secreted by females) that trigger oil production by your skin's oil glands. When these glands become overactive, and exit of oil is blocked, the oil builds up and starts to swell. Some factors that may lead to this occurrence are: medications, frequent physical pressure on the skin and metabolic changes.
Adult acne can also be brought upon by contact with oily substances such as petroleum, mineral oil and vegetable oil as well as steroid use. Doctors have also discovered that lack of exercise and poor dieting can are also factors of adult acne.
There are multiple ways to combat adult acne. You can use home treatment, herbs (lavender, juniper, dandelion root, et al), acupuncture and surgery. It is wise to contact your doctor and/or dermatologist at the first occurrence of adult acne to discuss the best treatment for you. Depending on your skin and possible allergies, some treatments can lead to dryness, itching, and redness, without curing the problem you initial set out to battle"
About the Author
Greg Mauro is a staff author at Acne Solution News as well as Help For Health and its conglomerate sites.